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Who is Don LaFontaine?

Click to Download the Don Stencil FREE!

For the bulk of you I’ve invited to this link, you know exactly who Don LaFontaine was. The undeniable king of the voice over world who literally created the way modern movie trailer’s are voiced to this day. When you think of the words, “In a World…”, you’re thinking of Don. Of course there are a handful of voice over talent who are fortunate enough to make their living this way, but none was more recognized than “The Don”.

A little over 6 years ago, Don passed away quite unexpectedly. He was a hero to all of us in the voice over industry. Read more about his life on the Don LaFontaine Wikipedia page.

Again, for those whom I’ve sent this link to, of course voiceover is my day job and I do okay at it.  But as a fun side project, back in 2008 my wife and I along with 2 great friends, created Ultimate Pumpkin Stencils. A site with a huge selection of off-the-wall and fanboy stencils. It’s kind of our trip out of reality and into the fun of Halloween. Personally, it’s my way to let out a bit of creative energy in a form other than with my voice. I created all of the stencils you see on this site. Yippee for me!

The Don LaFontaine stencil is supposed to be a fun way to connect with my fellow industry mates. I don’t know if anyone else will carve it. Maybe some loyal Geico customers. But I knew you’d get a chuckle. I’ve only been a member of the Voice Over Pros group on Facebook for a couple of weeks (not sure why I didn’t think to look for you ages ago), but I SO DIG the camaraderie there. C’MON!!! Beau Weaver commented on my Sennheiser post. BEAU WEAVER!!! Or on similar LinkedIn pages. Reading about mics, headphones, dream jobs and client stories… I love it. When you’re locked away in a soundproof booth for 4 or 5 hours a day, I guess anything will pass for entertainment.

My friends, if you’re a pumpkin carver, please feel free to download THE DON and get your gourd-slicing mojo on. Or share it with someone much handier than you. If you have kids, you might have to buy your own pumpkin. They won’t get it. In fact you’ll likely have to explain it to anyone who trudges up your porch for candy on October 31st. That’s the Voice Over world. They may know you’re voice, but they’ll hardly ever recognize your face.

Wishing you an incredibly spooky Halloween filled with scary voices.

Dave Pettitt


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