Halloween is one of those funny days around the office. Either you participate or you don’t . And for most offices, participation means dressing up. Nothing makes you feel a ridiculous like putting on your Gumby costume complete with green makeup … only to find no one else has dressed up.
It’s time for Halloween to be the Morale Booster celebration around the office. And you don’t have to do a lot to make it happen.
- People can dress up if they like
- get a punch bowl and fill it up with “spooky-red-punch”
- maybe even put on some scary music
- have everyone put a bowl of their favorite halloween candy out for inter-department-trick-or-treating
But the way to get everyone involved in the Halloween office party is simple. Pumpkin Carving Contest.
Armed with a enough stencils for everyone to have a bit of choice, a couple hours out of the afternoon filled with some laughs, some goodies and a sugar-fueled euphoria will help instill a little more team feeling for the staff. Imagine the look on Greg from Accounting’s face when he carves Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake as Dick in a Box. Be sure to have some good little tools for all the teams too. Pumpkin Carving Tools can be found starting in August in most craft stores or from online vendors.
Prizes can be awarded for
- Best Pumpkin Carving
- Worst Pumpkin Carving
- Best Team Effort
- Best Team Spirit
- … almost anything you can think of.
Try one of our pumpkin stencil packages for small offices or contact us if you have a large office. We’re happy to provide bulk rates for those offices needing a large number of stencils.